Your North Star to business growth.

Chart New Waters with New Revenue Streams

Embark on a 6-week transformative strategic program meticulously crafted to illuminate the path toward your business's next level.

Revenue Polaris specializes in taking established businesses to new horizons of growth. This program provides clear direction and guidance for your marketing, sales, and service departments to unprecedented success in an ocean of opportunity

Navigate The Course


  • Deeply analyze your existing product, brand, marketing, sales, and service to find your next North Star: the greatest opportunities for revenue improvement.


  • Identify the best audience and their motivations. Craft the best answers to their questions. Determine what content will attract them to your enterprise to take them along their customer journey.


  • Finalize campaign plans, costs, and resources to execute the initiatives. Present all the work in the Captain's Log, so your creatives and specialists can do what they do best.

Elements of Revenue Polaris

  • This document serves as the log entry like the Captains use to sail the Earth's seas. Developed during planning meetings and shared with your team when complete, it ensures clear direction and alignment for everyone.

  • We delve into the deeps of your business's revenue cycle, benchmarking your product development, branding, marketing, sales, and customer service. This analysis sets the stage for your transformative journey.

  • While there might be endless possibilities to improve your business revenue, we will focus on the #1 Opportunity for revenue enhancement that will serve as our North Star, and outline the main initiatives to reach that destination.

  • Analyze your website, tool stack, and competitors based on your North Star and supporting initiatives. Outline a game plan, breaking it into manageable phases for continuous progress.

  • Identify your target audience and understand their main motivations, challenges, and goals. Craft messaging that resonates with their unique needs and fits your current brand, or create a new brand strategy if needed.

  • Research and answer your audience's questions to create compelling content that fuels your initiatives. Leverage insights from your team, customers, and research.

  • Craft detailed campaign strategies, including sitemaps, keywords, editorial calendars, and automation maps, ensuring every aspect of your business sails in harmony.

  • With campaigns in place, resources allocated, and costs estimated, your teams are ready to take action, steering your ship confidently toward growth.

Your First Mate

Kasie Dailey

This program has been developed over 15 years of sales and marketing experience and has helped dozens of established businesses attract new markets and audiences.

This is ideal for an established business that has seen some success but revenue has deadlocked and is ready to move into the next level.

Great for small marketing, sales, and service teams who would like guidance with strategy, especially if they are using or are planning to use HubSpot.

Happy clients!